【中國戲劇及劇場史 《2.0學分》】課程簡介

● 課程概述

本課程旨在培養學生具備 中華文化與倫理道德 Solid understanding of Chinese culture and ethics能力、國際視野與多元文化 Global outlook and appreciation of cultural diversity能力、藝術品味與人文涵養 The ability to appreciate arts and cultures能力、社會關懷與公民責任 Strong sense of civic responsibility and care of social welfare能力、健全體魄與團隊合作 Sound health and skills in collaboration and teamwork能力、語文能力與溝通表達 Linguistic competence and communication skills能力、創新思維與資訊應用 The ability to think innovatively and to apply information technology for diverse purposes能力、專業知能與主動學習 Professional knowledge and skills as well as motivation for self-learning能力
Learning about Chinese traditional drama past developments will help the students to understand the essence of the Chinese traditional drama. This course will follow the Chinese traditional drama's history path, and few topics will be selected for in class projects. The student will be held responsible for in class presentations, and reports about those topics. It would be an journey of discovery on the traditional Chinese drama from the history's perspective.
I. History of Chinese Drama and Theatre
The developed periods of Chinese drama includes ferment, sprout, ripe, flourishing, and transition. The course introduces the origin of drama, ancient Chinese song and dance, professional actors, hundred plays and Jiaodi play of Han Dynasty, Singing and and Dancing play of Beiqi and Tang Dynasty, drama of song and dance of Yuan Dynasty, Chuanqi of Ming and Ching Dynasty, the variation and classical debate, and local drama The outline will be shown with overhead projector.
The objective is to lead the student to long long ago and far far away historical tunnel of Chinese drama. It will fulfill students rich interesting in Chinese drama, and so that build up steady basis of Chinese drama.

● 課程目標


● 課程能力指標

◎ 指標代碼說明:
計算公式:學分數 * 權重
1: 中西戲劇理論專業能力   (0.8)
2: 中西戲劇編劇專業能力  (0.8)
3: 導演專業能力  (0.4)
4: 中西戲劇表演元素掌握與表達能力   (0)
5: 劇場技術基礎能力   (0)